2011年9月13日 星期二

分享不一樣的視界 World from Different Perspectives

Silence is not the result of hearing impairment but the peace of mind from deep within.
Darkness is not the result of defective vision but the glow from God shining on another window.
Winding routes are not the result of immobility but the distinctiveness of their journey.
We have never dedicated thoughts to some aspects of the world.
Now, let us share the world from extraordinary perspectives and observe it with empathy.
With love, this world is barrier-free.

活動資訊 Exhibition information:
地點:淡水藝術工坊1、2樓 (新北市淡水區中正路298號)展期:2011/9/3 (六) -10/2 (日)
展出時間:週一~週五 9:30-17:00
週六~週日 9:30-18:00 (每月第一週週一休館)
Venue: 1~2F, Tamsui Art Gallery, No. 298, Zhongzheng Road, Tamsui District, New Taipei City.
Duration: September 3 - October 2, 2011
Time: Monday through Friday: 9:30-17:00
Weekend: 9:30-18:00
(Closed on the first Monday of the month.)

開幕茶會暨頒獎典禮 Opening reception and awarding ceremony:
日期:2011/9/17 (六) 14:00-16:00
Venue: Tamsui Art Gallery
Time: September 17, 2011, 14-16

教育推廣活動 Educational events:
(1) 《暢行天下》無障礙旅遊講座 "Free and Easy Access to the World" A speech on barrier-free travel. Keynote speaker: to be announced.
日期:2011/9/17 (六) 16:00-18:00
Venue: Tamsui Art Gallery
Time: September 17, 2011, 16-18

The seasoned traveler will share his/her brilliant ideas in the talk intertwined with various experiences and vivid narration, leading the audience to a widened, accessible world.

(2) 《分享,愛》體驗活動 "Sharing, loving" A series of experiential activities.
日期:2011/9/24 (六) 14:00-17:00
Time: September 24, 2011, 14-17

活動一 Activity 1
館內將提供無障礙設施體驗導覽,每30分鐘為一梯次,每梯次開放10-15人次,參與導覽民眾於結束後以拍立得相機拍照 (每人限拍一張) ,照片出來後,寫下心得或鼓勵的話貼於牆上的留言板,即可獲得限量小禮物一份。
Venue: Tamsui Art Gallery
With eyes covered, participants will use a variety of barrier-free facilities and take a photograph with a Polaroid camera during a 10 to 15-minute guided tour. The picture with a comment or message written by the participant will be posted on a bulletin board. A souvenir (in limited quantity) will be given to the participant.
活動二 Activity 2
Venue: Fort San Domingo
The gallery offers a variety of barrier-free facilities for 30-minute guided tour. Each tour allows 10-15 participants to take part in. After the tour, participants can take a photograph with a Polaroid camera. The picture with a comment or message written by the participant will be posted on a bulletin board. A souvenir (in limited quantity) will be given to the participant.
活動三 Activity 3
凡至淡水遊玩或至館內參觀的民眾,將今日遊玩的心情以一句歌詞或自己寫的一句話作為代表,上傳至活動Facebook,前五十名就有機會得到限量小禮物一份。 (贈品數量有限,送完為止,限於當日下午六點前至淡水藝術工坊領取。)
Venue: Tamsui Art Gallery, Fort San Domingo, Little White House, and the Tamsui Old Street.
The first 50 tourists who visit Tamsui and post lyrics or a sentence describing the trip on gallery's official FACEBOOK may receive a souvenir at Tamsui Art Gallery.(Souvenirs will be allotted before 6:00pm, September 24.)
Organizer: New Taipei City Government

Undertaker: Cultural Affairs Department of the New Taipei City Government and Tamsui Historical Museum

Co-organizer: Taiwan Access for All Association

Operator: Trino Creative

得獎作品介紹 Description of the top three award-winning photographs:

第一名 The Grand Prize:
《情人橋觀日》 蔡崑茂 Twilight at Lover’s Bridge by Cai Kun-Mao
The sunset at Fisherman’s Wharf is always fascinating. The Lover’s Bridge is the best spot to appreciate the close of a day and a premier location for photographers. I depicted the beauty of sunset in close-up and in silhouette.

第二名 The First Runner-up:
《生命-愛的音符》陳泰任 Life-Notes of Love by Chen Tai-Ren
Love in heart allows us to perceive the movement of happiness and appreciate the notes of life.

第三名 The Second Runner-up:
《王船祭》王興 Burning the boat of the Wang Ye (God of Pestilence) by Wang Sing
The annual event of burning the Wang Ye's boat at Youchekou still preserves the essence of the Tamsui fishermen's ritual passed on from ancient times.